Chapter 281 - Ambush

Under the dim light, one could see countless figures heading in their direction!

Lin Lingsu originally thought that she was looking for an army under Zhao Chen's command, but after seeing their appearances, he was slightly startled in her heart.

"Nvzhen! It's actually Nvzhen! "

"Why is the Nvzhen here too?"

"What's going on?"

At this time, the people from the martial woods in Jiang-Nan and the people from Shaolin Temple had already left the cave. When they saw who the person was, they were shocked.

The group of people who had just arrived were all very big and tall, but their heads were all completely bald. Only the back of their heads was hung with extremely ugly braids of money! These people were all from the Nvzhen, they couldn't be wrong!

Lin Lingsu heaved a sigh of relief in her heart!

Although there were a lot of Nvzhen s, they were only a little more than a thousand. Here, there were more than two hundred of them in the martial arts world and there were also the people from the Shaolin Temple.

"Lin Lingsu, how have you been?" Just then, a clear voice came out from the Nvzhen.

"Free and Unrestrained Child!" Hearing this voice, Lin Lingsu was shocked.

"Yes, that's me!" In the Nvzhen, a Han warrior dressed as a Daoist came out.

The free and unrestrained child's appearance did not change at all, it was always his free and easy appearance. He stood there and smiled at Lin Lingsu.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Lingsu said.

"Whatever you guys came here for, we came here for!" The unfettered child laughed loudly.

"How do you know about this?" Lin Lingsu said in disbelief.

"Liu Qing, come out." The carefree child indifferently said.

At this time, a 20 some year old youth walked out from the group of people within the Jiangnan Martial Forest. He had a very ordinary appearance, but he was an outstanding disciple of the current generation of the South Sea Sword Sect!

At this moment, he directly knelt in front of the unrestrained child and said, "Greetings, Master!"

"So that's how it is!" Lin Lingsu snorted, and said while gnashing her teeth. He immediately guessed that Liu Qing was the disciple of the Free and Unrestrained Child, and had just been a spy within the South Sea Sword Sect.

Qin Shi Huang's treasure is something the virtuous have! From the looks of it, you have not obtained the treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom! This treasure should belong to my Dajin. " Free and Unrestrained Child said.

"You are also a Han Chinese, my son. Why did you betray your ancestors and join the Nvzhen?" After hearing this, Lin Lingsu frowned.

"I am a Chinese, yes, but I am not a Song! I am a member of the Great Zhou Imperial Family. Zhao Kuangyin destroyed the entire Zhou Empire, so the entire Song Dynasty is our enemy! Dajin was able to help me eliminate Song Dynasty, so I chose to rely on him! " The carefree man laughed heartily.

"The Jinguo may not even be able to eliminate our Song Dynasty!" Lin Lingsu coldly snorted.

"I know that you people paid the most attention to destiny, and it's extremely laughable! From what I know, the experts of the buddhist way have predicted that the Great Song Dynasty will not exist for long before the great gold is bestowed upon you! If that's the case, then you two can join the Dajin. " Free and Unrestrained Child said.

"Humph!" The Emperor Jianyan is under the command of the heavens, the master of the world, how can we submit to the barbarians? " Lin Lingsu said coldly.

"Good!" I won't argue with you about this today! You all get out of the way, I am going to look for the Qin Emperor's treasure! " Free and Unrestrained Child said.

He knew that those people opposite him were all experts in martial arts. He had brought over a thousand Nvzhen s with him to sneak in here, and this was the greatest power he could possibly bring along. If he brought too many people, they would definitely be discovered by either Zhao Chen or Zhao Gou's army! After all, this was not Nvzhen's territory! He knew that over a thousand Nvzhen s might not be able to defeat his opponent, so he did not fight.

Lin Lingsu laughed coldly, and said: "Alright! You can go in and take a look. "

The carefree child was startled, he did not expect Lin Lingsu to be so easy to talk to. He and Lin Lingsu had known each other for many years, and Lin Lingsu had always been tough.

He brought the group of Nvzhen to the cave entrance.

After arriving here, he was also dumbfounded. The cave in front of him was filled with water, making it impossible to pass through.

"The treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom is inside. Go inside and search!" Lin Lingsu laughed loudly.

Free and Unrestrained Child frowned.

"Hey!" The water level is dropping! " At this moment, a person from the martial arts world in Jiang-Nan said something.

Lin Lingsu was startled, she anxiously looked over, and realized that the water level was dropping!

The water level was falling faster and faster!

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the water in the cave had disappeared!

Immediately, Xiao Yunzi brought dozens of Nvzhen s to rush in, while Lin Lingsu, Clan Elder Wu Qing and the rest also rushed in!

They came to the same hall as before. At this moment, the pool was still there.

The ripples in the pool did not move. It seemed as if nothing had happened.

Qin Yuzhen was secretly surprised, she did not know what kind of mechanism was in that made it so mystical.

"The treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom is inside this gate! Sage Lin, there's a trap here. " Qin Yuzhen said.

Lin Lingsu, Elder Wu Qing, Xiao Yunzi and the others all came to the front of the mechanism. After reading it, the three of them frowned.

"We actually need Imperial Jade Seal to open this place, don't tell us we still need to take the Imperial Jade Seal out from the hands of the young emperor?" Free and Unrestrained Child said.

"Let's try and see if we can open the door!" Lin Lingsu said.

They immediately tried to open the door!

The Nvzhen s of the Free and Unrestrained Child were abnormally well-prepared. Many of them actually held gigantic hammers in their hands! At the command of Sayoko, dozens of Nvzhen hammers struck fiercely at the door! Swish swish swish swish swish swish …

A quarter of an hour passed and only a few white marks appeared on the door! The door was still as solid as ever!

Xiao Yunzi picked up an iron hammer and struck it out in front of him with it. However, after the 10 plus hammer strikes, he finally stopped!

Lin Lingsu, Clan Elder Wu Qing and the rest tried one after another, after a while, they also stopped.

"This stone is abnormally strong and huge. If we were to cut it like this, it would be impossible to cut it open without ten days or half a month! Moreover, I heard that there are many traps inside Qin Shi Huang's treasure trove. There aren't many traps on the outside, so it must be inside! If we use Imperial Jade Seal to open the door, the mechanism inside might not be activated. If we forcefully break open the door, the mechanism inside will definitely take effect! At that time, even if we are powerful martial artists, we might not be able to survive! " Free and Unrestrained Child said.

"In other words, we have to obtain the Imperial Jade Seal?" Elder Wu Qing said.

"That's right, we must obtain the Imperial Jade Seal!" Free and Unrestrained Child said.

"But the Imperial Jade Seal is still in the hands of the little Emperor!" Lin Lingsu frowned.

"With the martial skills of the three of us, could it be that we are still unable to steal the Imperial Jade Seal from the little emperor? We can even kill the little Emperor! Right now, that little emperor's strength has greatly increased, actually being able to destroy Western Xia. He is our common enemy! Why don't you and I join hands and kill the little Emperor first! " The carefree child suddenly said.

"This …" Lin Lingsu was stunned.

The reason they had come to the Guan Shan was mainly to obtain the treasure of the Qin Shi Huang, so as to help Zhao Gou, they hoped that Zhao Gou could defeat him, and dominate the world! If he could kill Zhao Chen now, that would be for the best! Just that as the emperor, Zhao Chen's bodyguards were endless, the army was also endless, so many of them wanted to kill Zhao Chen in the midst of the layers of bodyguards and army, it would be extremely difficult! Furthermore, Lin Lingsu knew that Zhao Chen had an expert by his side, especially that Wang Chongyang.

If they tried to assassinate Zhao Chen, they might not succeed, but they might die there.

"Now this is the only way!" Free and Unrestrained Child said.

"I think it's feasible!" Elder Wu Qing said.

"Our Dajin has been studying the whereabouts of the Emperor Xuanwu for a long time. Every month, he has been coming to the people for a few days to inspect the lives of the commoners! Every time he appeared, even though he had guards by his side, for the sake of the so-called 'not disturbing the commoners', the number of guards he brought was limited. It was extremely laughable! Of course, this is the best chance for us to assassinate him! In the past, I was the only one who did not dare to make a move. Now that all of you are here, if we attack together, we will definitely be able to succeed. " Free and Unrestrained Child said.

Lin Lingsu hesitated for a while before finally nodding.

It was just that they needed to discuss everything properly before they could get to the bottom of this. They needed to know Zhao Chen's whereabouts accurately. Although Zhao Gou had an army here, and a lot of intelligence personnel, they were far inferior to the Nvzhen!

"Let's have a good discussion!" Elder Wu Qing said.

"Right!" Suddenly, Lin Lingsu said fiercely.

"What's wrong?" The carefree child asked in surprise.

"It is very possible that Emperor Xuanwu already knows about what happened here! We have to get out of here! Then, let Han Shizhong dispatch his army to occupy this place, they definitely could not let the Emperor Xuanwu occupy this place! Otherwise, the treasure of Qin Shi Huang will very likely be his! " Lin Lingsu's face changed greatly.

"What?" The unfettered child gaped in shock, then stood there blankly.

"If I stay here, there might be danger!" Lin Lingsu said.

Just as Lin Lingsu and the rest were discussing in the cave, underneath the Southern Mountain, another troop was rapidly approaching them!

Very quickly, they entered the Southern Mountain.

The snow on the mountain was very heavy. Many of the soldiers' heads had already turned snow-white. They were running at full speed. Many of the soldiers were already exhausted, but they did not stop. This was an urgent mission for the army, and no one dared to neglect it.

The wind in the mountains was strong, and many soldiers were red from the cold.

"There's still more than 10 miles to go!" He was one of the guards who had come with Yue Fei to pay respects to him during the day.

"Did you observe the terrain before you left?" The high-ranking officer said.

"There is only one way out! There are trees everywhere on the mountain! " The guard said.

"Let's take over the mountain pass first, then we can enter the mountain!" The general nodded and said.

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